The Weekly Stack: Will you hodl me forever? ❤️
Happy Valentine's Day to all our NFT lovers out there! ❤️
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Weekly News
A Special Valentine
Happy Valentine's Day! Earlier today, we tweeted out an announcement for a special surprise. Well, here it is! This is a special edition airdrop claimable only if you eligibly entered our giveaway via Twitter.
Thanks for sharing the love with us this February 14th, you are all truly non-fungible. Due to the overwhelming interest, we've created 140 special edition Valentine's Day NFTs (made with love by Sarah Satoshi) for you to claim.
If you missed the airdrop this time, remember to turn on tweet notifications for the next one! 😉 Tomorrow morning at 9 AM EST, the remaining unclaimed NFTs will be released to the public.

Community Event!
Are you participating in our STXNFT profile community event? Check out the tweet below for more details on how to win some nifty prizes for your participation! [Super secret bonus entry code #2: GSFG46DFFW3]

Top Collections Sorting
Have you explored lately? We're dropping new features every week — like top collection sorting on the home page. Now, you can view the top collections by volume over the last day, three days, week, and of all time.

Exciting Drops & Releases
Mutant Monkeys
The Bitcoin Monkeys are...well, mutating. Check out the Bitcoin Monkeys website for more information! The serums will be released for mint on on February 19th.
Mutant Monkeys | Bitcoin Monkeys NFT — Bitcoin Monkeys are a limited collection of 2500 unique NFTs on the Stacks (STX) blockchain.
Featured below is one of the coolest collections to come out of our self-service portal yet — our first derivative NFT collection from Alex Rudloff. Read about his collection here!
"Reinvention is an algorithm that takes in an NFT and “blockifies” it. Every time a new block is created, the pixel color from the original NFT is used to draw that block...The end result is something that looks like a mid-century modern mosaic with dream like bubbles around it."
Congratulations to Alex on a sold-out launch yesterday! If you missed the chance to grab one of these, stay tuned for future releases and keep an eye out on our secondary marketplace to purchase a Reinvention when one becomes available.
Thanks for reading, and Happy Valentine's Day!